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Comment a Dashboard
Updated over a week ago

With the comment feature the practitioner can discuss with his client, analyze and comment the results of the entire Dashboard company.

It's available on the left menu by clicking on the Messages icon.

Post a comment

  • Click on the comment icon


  • Select recipient.

By default, recipients will be the first three practitioners on this Dashboard settings and all customers having access to the app and more specifically to this Dashboard.

  • The recipient list can be modified clicking on the pencil icon


  • Selected recipients will then be notified by email.

  • Other users of this Dashboard will be able to find all comments on Dashboard and on the Messenger app , although they are not notified of new comments.

  • Recipient can be added or removed at any time. The notification system will be updated automatically.

  • Then click on “publish”.

Find comment historic

All comment historic is available to users of this Dashboard from:

  • Dashboard, by clicking on the comment icon.

  • Messenger app:

    • All comments and replies are available.

    • It will be grouped by date and classified by month.

    • Reply to a comment, add or remove recipients can be done from this discussion thread.

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