You can complete the timesheet by:
validating suggested times
adding a time chargeable to a company
adding a time chargeable to the accounting firm
How do you add chargeable time to a company?
General method
To add a time chargeable to a company:
Click on a week
Click on the "+" button at the top right of the table or press the "a" key on the keyboard.
If the timesheet is empty, you can also click on the "Add a time" button in the centre of the page.
Enter the date
Enter the duration
Select a company
Enter an engagement:
the practitioner can select a service from an engagement letter in the CRM application.
the practitioner can enter an engagement name manually (no link with the CRM application or Tasks).
the practitioner can select a manually named engagement (no link with the CRM application or Tasks).
Write a comment if necessary
Click on the "Validate" button
The following shortcuts are available for updating the duration:
If you are adding a time for the current week, the current date is pre-filled in the creation form.
On a company already in the timesheet
There are various ways of adding a time to a company in the timesheet:
Either click on the "+" button to the right of the company line. This will pre-fill the company in the creation form.
Or double-click on the cell corresponding to the company line and the desired date. The company and date are then pre-filled in the creation form.
If the engagement already exists for the company for the week, unfold the list of times for a company
Double-click on the cell corresponding to the company and the desired date
Enter the time directly in the cell
How do I add time chargeable to the accounting firm?
To add time chargeable to an accounting firm:
Click on a week
Click on the "+" button at the top right of the table or press the "a" key on the keyboard.
If the timesheet is empty, you can also click on the "Add a time" button in the centre of the page.
Enter the date
Enter the duration
Leave the company field empty
Select an additional activity from the list configured on the accounting firm
Write a comment if necessary
Click on the "Validate" button
If the additional activity is already listed in the week:
Double-click on the cell corresponding to the company and the desired date
Enter the time directly in the cell
The times attributable to the accounting firm are displayed in the last lines of the timesheet.
The following shortcuts are available for updating the duration:
If you are adding a time for the current week, the current date is pre-filled in the creation form.