The time approval flow can be configured to monitor the times.
You need to define :
approvers: practitioners who will reject or accept the times of their teams
teams: groups of practitioners whose times are to be rejected or accepted by an approver
How do I activate timesheet approval?
To activate the timesheet approval option:
Click on the settings icon
at the bottom of the right-hand bar
Click on the "Enable" button under the "Activating timesheet approval flow" heading
Click on the "Activate" button
The "Configuration of time approval" line is now displayed in the "Timesheet" section.
How do I add a time sheet approver?
To add a timesheet approver:
Click on the settings icon
at the bottom of the right-hand bar
Click on the "Configuration of time approval" button under the "Timesheet" heading
Click on "Add an approver"
Choose the approvers by selecting the practitioners in the list and clicking "validate"
The approvers are now listed in the time configuration
How do I add or delete a practitioner from an timesheet approval team?
To add or delete a practitioner to a timesheet approval team :
Click on the settings icon
at the bottom of the right-hand bar
Click on the "Configuration of time approval" button under the "Timesheet" heading
Click on the approver line
Select the practitioners to be added or deselect the practitioners to be deleted from the list, then click on "Validate"
The practitioners' initials appear on the approver line
How do I delete an approver from the timesheet?
To Click on the validator line an approver from the timesheet :
Click on the settings icon
at the bottom of the right-hand bar
Click on the "Configuration of time approval" button under the "Timesheet" heading
Click on the approver line
Click on "Delete"
2 possible choices:
Either click on "Delete" to delete the approver without reassigning the team members to another team. The practitioner will then have to be added manually to other approvers.
The approver line is then deleted
Or click on "Delete and reassign" to reassign the practitioners in the team to a new practitioner. If the selected practitioner is not an approver, he or she will automatically become one
The practitioners initials are then updated on the approver line
How do I disable timesheet approval flow?
To disable the timesheet approval option:
Click on the settings icon
at the bottom of the right-hand bar
Click on the "Disable" button under the "Activating timesheet approval flow" heading
Click on "Disable" button
The "Configuration of time approval" line is now hidden in the "Timesheet" section
Once deactivated, the approval flow is no longer available.
However, the data and configurations are retained. So if the timesheet approval flow is reactivated, the accounting firm will have the same configurations and times as previously completed. |