Eat time approver can configure the timesheets of the practitioners in their team.
By configuring the practitioner's timesheet, you can:
display a (non-blocking) warning on the practitioner's timesheet when the number of hours per day or per week is exceeded
limit automatic automatic suggested activities to the defined time slot
A default configuration is proposed for the practitioner, which is that of the accounting firm, i.e.:
Configurations are displayed according to the time zone defined in "My account". |
How do I know if a practitioner has a customized configuration?
To find out the configuration of a practitioner's timesheet :
Click on the settings icon
at the bottom of the right-hand bar
Click on the "Practitioner's timesheet configuration" line under the "Timesheet" heading
Practitioners with a tick in the "Customized" column are practitioners with a configuration other than that of the accounting firm.
Click on the "Customized configuration" filter to obtain the list of practitioners with a customized configuration
You can also search for the configuration of one or more practitioners by clicking on the "Practitioners" filter and then selecting the desired practitioners
How do I change the configuration of a practitioner's timesheet?
To change the configuration of a practitioner's timesheet :
Click on the settings icon
at the bottom of the right-hand bar
Click on the "Practitioner's timesheet configuration" line under the "Timesheet" heading
To change the maximum number of hours per day or per week, click on the practitioner's cell in the "Max hours per day / week" column
You can restore the accounting firm's configuration by clicking on "Accounting firm configuration". |
To change the working days and opening hours hours, click on the practitioner's cell in the "Working day" column
You can:
How do I change timesheet configuration for several practitioners?
To change the timesheet configuration of several practitioners:
Click on the settings icon
at the bottom of the right-hand bar
Click on the "Practitioner's timesheet configuration" line under the "Timesheet" heading
Select the desired practitioners
To restore the accounting firm's configuration, click on "Default configuration" in the bottom action bar and then on "Confirm"
To change the maximum number of hours per day or per week, click on "Max hours per day / week" located in the action bar at the bottom, then change either the maximum number of hours per day or the maximum number of hours per week, or both, then click on "Confirm"
You can restore the accounting firm's configuration by clicking on "Accounting firm configuration". |
To change the working days and opening hours hours, click on "Working day" located in the action bar at the bottom, then click on "Confirm"
You can: