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How to create a template?
How to create a template?
Updated over a week ago

Feature reserved for ADMIN practitioner

The template allows to define a structured set of tasks that will be applied to a company and performed by predefined people. All types of tasks (with the exception of the approval request) can be integrated in a template.

Tasks are linked to a specific period of time:

  • Mission start: X days or months before or after the mission start date

  • End of the mission: X days or months before or after the end date of the mission

  • Customized date known as “relative date”: date specific to the template that will be replaced when the template is applied to a company

Example: “Hiring date” in a template related to the entry of a new employee

  • Monthly recurrence: recurring task that will be repeated according to the criteria and frequency defined

  • Weekly recurrence: recurring task that will be repeated according to the criteria and frequency defined

It is possible to manage roles and tags that will be replaced when the template is applied to a company.


Roles define the people involved in the task as Author or Assigned.

The default roles common to the application are:

  • Manager

  • Customer Manager

  • Associate

  • Author of the mission

  • Customer Manager

  • Collaborators

  • Clients

  • Customized roles: specific to this template. Example : “HR Correspondent” in a template related to payroll management


Tags are elements that can be used within the title or description of a task. They always start with “#”.

The default tags are:

  • #MonthCurrent

  • #FirstnameManager

  • #ClientName

  • #PreviousYear

  • etc

Custom tags are specific to this model. Example: #TypeContract in a template related to the entry of a new employee

Examples of a mission :

  • Salary slip validation process

  • VAT Statement

  • Annual Review

  • Entry of a new customer

Creating a template

  • Click on “Templates

  • Click on the button

    at the bottom right of the screen

  • Indicate the title and the description

  • Select the category

  • Indicate the duration of the mission in months

  • Customize if necessary:

    • Create a custom role by clicking on “Custom Roles +"

    • Create a custom tag by clicking on “Custom tags +” then by entering the name of the tag (the # is generated automatically)

  • Add tasks

  • Click on “Save

The assignment template can then be applied to a company via the “Engagements” menu.

See the article “How to set up an engagement on a company?

Add task

  • Click on “Add task” located to the right of the desired period

  • Select the task type (see the article “How to create a new task?”)

  • Fill in the requested information according to the type of task

  • Fill inthe task-specific information in the template :

    • The author in the form of roles

    • Assigned in the form of roles

    • Due date for non-recurring tasks :

      • Choose the interval type “Month” or “Day”: default “Month

      • Choose the value of the interval :

        • Between 0 and 12 for an interval in “Month”: default 0

        • Between 0 and 31 for an interval in “Days”: by default 0

      • Choose the direction of the interval “After” or “Before": default “After

  • Due date for weekly tasks :

Choose frequency: default 1

Choose recurrence days: Default empty

  • Due date for monthly tasks, 2 options :

  • Relative date :

  • Choose frequency: Default 1

  • Choose the number of days: default 1

  • Day of the month :

  • Choose frequency: default 1

  • Choose the placement of the day: default: “First”.

  • Choose the day of the week: by default “Monday

  • Click on “Save

  • Repeat the operation

The task then appears below the selected period.

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