A delivery note can be created in 2 ways:
From an quotation or an existing order form.
see the article : "How to transform a quotation into an invoice?"
Directly create a delivery note for a future or existing customer.
The creation of a delivery note is done in several steps:
Create a new delivery note
Go to the "Documents" menu
Open the "Delivery notes" submenu
Click on "+ ".
Select the recipient
Select the recipient of the delivery note:
from the drop-down list of existing customers in your customer portfolio
ou en créant un nouveau client. Le formulaire de création d’un nouveau client apparaît alors.
If necessary, change the invoicing method
see the article : "How to set up an including taxe invoice?"
Modify if necessary the pre-filled information concerning the configuration of the document
Select the delivery note creation date
Enter the expected delivery delay
Enter the subject of the purchase order
Validate the information entered by clicking on "Next".
Add products and format the delivery note
Compose the delivery note by adding:
Products to be delivered by clicking in the "Reference" field
Subtotal lines
Titles (free text centred in the body of the document)
Comments (free text in italics)
Postage costs
Packing costs
Page breaks (switch to a new page)
Line breaks (inserts an empty line to space out the elements)
It is possible to change the order of the elements using the buttonand/or delete an element using the basket.
If necessary, modify the label, description, unit price of the product, quantity and the applicable discount rate. The VAT rate of the product is then taken from the product master record.
If necessary, it is possible to modify the VAT rate of the product directly on the document.To do so, you just have to modify the "VAT type" field:
Click on the pencil next to "VAT type" in the "Configuration" widget,
Select “Custom”.
Click on "Save"
Select the VAT rate to be used by default on the document, then click on "Save".
Thus, for any new line, the selected VAT rate will be applied.
Warning: the lines already created on the document will not be modified. You must then manually modify the VAT rate on each item line if necessary.
The available VAT rates are configured in the application settings and managed by the accounting firm.
Click on “Save” to save the delivery note
Once your delivery note is in draft form, it is possible to:
modify it entirely,
duplicate it,
delete it.
Generate a delivery note
Once your draft has been checked and modified if necessary, click on "Generate".
Once the delivery note has been generated, the following actions are available:
“Send by email”: Sending to the customer's e-mail address (e-mail address corresponding to the one entered in the customer file).
The body of the email can be personalised, the delivery note is attached to the email with the possibility of being copied on the email.“Preview”: View the PDF version of the document produced.
“Download”: Save the document on the user's workstation.
“Duplicate”: Create a copy of the delivery note. This will be created automatically as a "draft", so it can be modified entirely.
"Cancel": Cancels the delivery note from the commercial management. It can be retrieved using the search function, and can be put back into production if necessary.
Create additionnal delivery notes
It is possible to create several additional delivery notes, by clicking on the "+" under "Delivery", in case the delivery of the order is to be done in several times.
The steps for creating additional delivery notes remain the same.
The additional delivery notes will have the same number as the first one, followed by an increment number.
Example: if the first delivery note has the number BL-22020054, the second will have the number BL-22020054-2, the third BL-22020054-3 and so on...
It is possible to view the list of existing delivery notes. To do this:
Click on "Delivery".
View and select the desired delivery note
Once the delivery note(s) have been produced, it is possible to click on "Invoice" to transform them into an invoice.
see the article : "Invoicing one or more delivery notes"