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Create an indicator
Updated over 3 months ago

Dashboard indicators will allow you to highlight data that is not from accounting in your dashboard.

They will then be entered manually by the stakeholders according to the defined frequency.

voir l'article : "Indicators"

To Create a new indicator on your folder :

  • Go to the “Indicators” section

  • And from the overview, click on the "+" button located at the bottom right

  • Then complete the requested elements:

  • the name and a description

  • the frequency at which the indicator must be filled (daily, weekly, etc.)

  • the format of the expected result (monetary, numerical or percentage)

    • if the result is combinable (will allow to have the accumulation over the period). The displayed values of a combinable indicator on a different frequency is an addition or division of its result. For a non-combinable indicator, it is the last result or an average.

    • and finally, the people responsible to fill the indicator’s values. To do this, click on “ Add “, then select the type of speaker:

  • Practitioner : list of collaborators with access to the folder

  • Client : list of client accounts attached to the file

  • External : people who can fill the indicators, but who do not have a customer account (enter only a mail address). They will only receive the email to access the input form, but will not have access to the dashboard.

  • Once the information is completed, click on create to validate the creation of the indicator.

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