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Updated over 4 months ago

Functionality reserved for the document manager administrator

Why manage document expiration ?

To enable each accounting firm to manage document expiration according to their needs and provide their collaborators with automated solutions for document renewal and deletion.

What changes are possible?

It is possible to configure document expiration along the following:

  1. Create expiration processes by adding an expiration period to document types

  2. Automatically delete documents upon their expiration date

  3. Schedule the availability of a document renewal request based on the expiration date.

What are the impacts of a change?

The document expiration feature will allow practitioners to:

  • Customize expiration configuration by client.

  • Include document renewal directly within the document details.

  • Access a client interface to have an overview of expired or soon to expire documents, enabling management of each document individually based on its expiration period.


A specific role "Document Manager Administrator" has been created for this purpose.

It must be assigned, at least, to one person of the accounting firm (manager or practitioner) on request, imperative by email :

❶ A manager of the accounting firm must write the request email indicating the first and last names of the users concerned

❷ The email must be sent to the following address:

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