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Create and manage clients's contacts
Create and manage clients's contacts
Updated over 3 months ago

Effective management of client contacts is essential for streamlining communications and speeding up invoice payment by addressing the right document to the right contact. In Fact, the "Contacts" section of the client file provides simple and intuitive tools to organize and quickly access contact information. This guide explains how to create and manage contacts effectively.

Manage contacts in clients file

Contacts section of the client file groups the contact details of a client’s specific representatives. These contacts appear as potential recipients when sending an email. Here is an overview of the main features available:

  • Contact list: Easy access to all representatives recorded for a client.

  • Favorite contacts: Ability to mark certain contacts as priorities so they are automatically added as recipients.

  • Edit and Delete: Flexible management to keep information up to date at all times.

Access Contacts section

From the Clients menu, click on a client in the list to open his file:

The Contacts section is located at the bottom left of the client file.

Click "View All" to access the full list of contacts associated with this client.

From this view, the following actions are possible:

  • Create a new contact by clicking the "Create" button at the top right.

  • Edit or delete a contact using the action button located to the right of each row.

  • Mark a contact as favorite by clicking the star next to their name.

Add a new contact

Create a contact from the Client file

To add to a client’s list of representatives:

  1. Click the Create button at the top right of the contact list.

  2. Fill in the requested information in the form (the email address is mandatory).

  3. Click Save.

Automatic Detection Of New Contacts

When sending an email to a client, another opportunity to add contacts can be utilized: if an unknown email address is entered in the "Recipient" field, a suggestion window appears offering to add it as a favorite contact.

Go to the Documents menu, and in the actions at the end of the row for a document, click Send by mail.

Enter the new email address in Recipient(s).

The suggestion window appears.

It is possible to:

  • Ignore the suggestion (the contact will not be created).

  • Add the contact without marking it as a favorite by unchecking the star next to the email address.

Manage contacts when sending mail

When an email is sent to a client, the Recipient(s) field is pre-filled with:

  1. The client’s main email address: the one entered when the client was created.

  2. Favorite contacts: identified by a star in the contact list.

Additional recipients can be added:

By entering them:

  • Click in the "Recipient(s)" field, type the email address, and press Enter on the keyboard.

By selecting them from the remaining contacts:

  • Click in the "Recipient(s)" field.

  • A dropdown menu appears.

  • Click on a contact to add them as a recipient.

  • Click the star next to a contact to mark them as a favorite, which will automatically include them in future emails.

Favorite contacts are suggested as recipients when sending a document individually. They are automatically included in mass document sending, in automated periodic sending (and soon in mass reminders).

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