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Access to DMS customization
Updated over a week ago

Functionality reserved for the document manager administrator

How to customise the company or user archive tree of an accounting firm?

To customise the company or user archive tree :

  • Click on the "Settings" icon

  • Click on "Company archive management" to update the company tree

  • Click on "User archive management" to update the user tree

How do I search for an item in the archive tree?

It is possible to search for a folder or a document type:

  • Click on

    which is displayed over the column headers (Name, employee business profiles, customer business profiles)

  • Click on "Filter".

  • Enter the name of the file or the type of document

It is also possible to search for a "slug":

  • Click on

    which is displayed over the column headers (Name, employee business profiles, customer business profiles)

  • Click on "Filter".

  • Click on "Filter By"

  • Select "Slug".

  • Enter the name of the slug

The structure of the tree structure is preserved during the search.

If you search for a folder, the subfolders and document types belonging to that folder will also be displayed.

The structure of the archive tree is preserved during the search.

If you search for a folder, the subfolders and document types belonging to that folder will also be displayed.

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