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Invoices and Credit notes import
Invoices and Credit notes import
Updated over a week ago

Fact allows you to import invoices and credit notes.

! Importing invoices and credit notes does not allow you to import a finalised history from an old invoicing software package. It can only be used to create new invoices or credit notes.

An import works as follows:

  • Each line created in the import file corresponds to an item line added to an invoice or credit note.

  • In the "Type" column, you can specify whether each line is an invoice line or a credit note line.

  • If an invoice (or credit note) contains several lines (several items to be invoiced) :

    • You need to create as many lines as there are items in the import file, and group them together using the same "grouping code" ;

    • This grouping code is called "Invoice reference" in the import file.

  • Imported invoices and credit notes are created in "Draft" status.

  • Imported credit notes are orphan (they are not linked to a specific invoice).

The imported file

  • You can import data from .xlsx, .csv and .ods files.

  • The maximum number of lines is 2000.

  • The imported file must contain a header line with the name of each column.

  • In the journey, you will determine the correspondence of the columns in your file with the data model. As a result :

    • The order of the columns in the file is not important;

    • The file may contain superfluous columns, which will not be taken into account.

  • Some values must have a specific format, as specified in the "Import model and specific features" section below.

  • When importing accented characters, we recommend that you use the .xlsx format.

  • Templates: in the import path, you will find import file templates in the eligible formats.

  • Decimals in amounts : In cells corresponding to amounts (amounts, VAT rates, quantities and discounts), the comma is systematically transformed into a point to be considered as a decimal separator.

  • Specific to .xlsx files: When importing Excel files, for values corresponding to a series of numbers (e.g. telephone number, SIRET, postcode, etc.), we recommend that you enter an apostrophe character before the value to force the text format. Otherwise, the data could be misinterpreted during import.

Processing the file

Here's how to fill in the import file.

  • Document type: The document type is used to determine whether a line corresponds to a credit note line or an invoice line.

    • If the type is empty or if the entry does not match the correspondences below, the line is automatically assigned to an invoice.

    • Correspondence table :

Desired value

Values to be entered


or facture
or empty
or other value

Credit note

or credit note
or avoir

  • Date de la facture: date on which the invoice must be issued

    Respect the chronology of the invoices, otherwise Fact will invite to modify the date of the invoice before the validation of this one.

  • Référence de la facture ("grouping code"): The invoice reference corresponds to the grouping code used to identify the lines to be included in the same invoice or credit note.

! For two lines to be added to the same document, they must have the same reference but also the same document type.

Example 1

In the 3 rows, the document type is not entered: the rows therefore correspond to invoices.

The 3 lines have the same reference (1): they are therefore assigned to the same invoice.

Example 2

The 3 lines are of the invoice type and have the same reference (2), so they belong to the same invoice.

Example 3

The 3 lines are of the invoice type (empty = invoice and invoice = invoice) and they have the same reference (3): they will form a single invoice.

Example 4

The 2 lines are of the have type and have the same reference (4), so they belong to the same have.

Example 5

The 3 lines have the same reference (FC28) but the second line has no document type entered. It is therefore considered to be an invoice.

Following the import, a credit note will be created with the 1st and 3rd lines and an invoice will be created with the 2nd line.

  • Libellé de la facture: corresponds to the “Object” field in Fact

  • Référence de l’article: enter the reference of the product to be invoiced, from the catalogue set up in Fact (article reference and not category reference – it is not possible to import invoices with only created categories, articles are mandatory)

  • Description de l’article (optional): description of the product that will appear on the invoice – if nothing is indicated, Fact will search for the wording in the catalogue.

  • Quantité de l’article: quantities of products

  • Prix unitaire de l’article: Unit price of product (enter with a “dot” instead of the “comma” – see example above)

  • Taux de remise de l’article (optional): applies a discount only to this product (enter with a “dot” instead of the “comma” – see example above)

  • Commentaire de facture (optional): allows you to display a comment that will appear at the bottom of the invoice (corresponds to the “Note displayed on the document” field in Fact)

  • Taux de remise de la facture (optional): applies a global discount over the entire document (enter with a “dot” instead of the “comma” – see example above)

  • Echéance de paiement (optional): allows to define the due date of the invoice – if nothing is indicated, Fact will search for the due date in the customer file.
    Attention: to enter the due date, use the following correspondences:


Code to enter

15 jours


30 jours


30 jours fin de mois, le 10


30 jours fin de mois, le 15


45 jours


45 jours fin de mois


60 jours


60 jours fin de mois


60 jours fin de mois, le 10


60 jours fin de mois, le 15


8 jours


90 jours


90 jours fin de mois


A l'achèvement


A l'enlèvement


Fin du mois


Fin du mois, le 5


A réception de la facture


Le 20 du mois


Le 15 du mois


Le 5 du mois


Plan de paiement


A convenir




Import invoices file

Once you have prepared the import file, you can import it. Here's how to do it:

  1. Go to the "Settings" tab, then to the "Import" menu

  2. Select "Invoices"

    1. In the import window, drag and drop the file to be imported (for .csv files, specify the type of delimiter used). You can also find our import templates in this window.

    2. Click on "Import".

  3. Check that the first column "Field" is filled in. If it is not the case, select the value according to the import file (corresponds to the headers of the file)

  4. Finally, click on "Import" to start the import process. The number of validated, erroneous and imported lines appears in a summary. If there are any errors in your import file, a table lists the erroneous lines and specifies the number of errors in each line and the columns concerned.

The invoices are then displayed in the "Invoices" menu in "Draft" status. All that's left to do is to check them, produce them and validate them, following the classic invoicing cycle process.

see the article : "How to create an invoice?"

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