To enter purchases or sales, go to the “Record” menu and select the desired company.
Then you must choose the log type to enter the documents. Once selected, you then enter the input mask.
Purchasing entry provides an intuitive entry interface, similar to the structure of an invoice. Indeed we will find there:
The supplier
The period (from… to…)
The date of the document
The deadline
The part number of the part
The wording of the part
The amount including VAT charged or credited
The analytical section if it has been activated on the folder
ℹ️ Automatic Zoom Function Based on Focus in the "Header" Area
An automatic zoom is applied to the upper half of the document when the focus is on the supplier/client, the period (from... to...), or the document date.
An automatic zoom is applied to the lower half of the document when the focus is on the total amount (credit/debit).
When selecting the supplier or customer, if the latter does not exist it is possible to create it. To do this, it is necessary:
Root accounts must be created in the accounting software for the creation to take place. |
You then have a “Body” zone in which we will find the HT accounts debited or credited.
The different HT accounts are automatically proposed as soon as a supplier/customer is selected and if he is known in accounting.
If this is not the case, for example because it is a new supplier or customer, you will have to search for the HT account to be charged (either by entering the label or by entering the account number)
For each line it will be possible to indicate a label and an amount excluding VAT as a debit or credit.
A calculator is integrated in the "Debit" and "Credit" columns to facilitate your calculations. |
Then, a “Foot” area which shows the details of the VAT and the balance of the invoice.
It is necessary that the accounts and VAT rates are attached to each account HT of expenses and income in the accounting software so that it is calculated automatically. |
Finally, you will find at the bottom of the page the possible actions on the document, including “Record” button to validate your entry once it is completed.
For more information on the action buttons, see the article The action buttons"