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The Fact dashboard
Updated over a week ago

The synthesis enables you to save time in managing your documents while getting an instant overview of your company's commercial activity.

Manage your documents

1. Create a document

The shortcut button to the right of the Synthesis allows you to create your documents in the blink of an eye, directly from your dashboard, without having to navigate to the Documents section.

2. Identify priority tasks

The priority tasks list enables you to identify the tasks and documents that need your immediate attention for effective document management:

  • Invoices overdue for payment;

  • Invoices due for payment in the near future (within 15 days);

  • Expired quotations;

  • Quotations due to expire shortly (within 15 days);

  • Accepted quotations that have not yet been invoiced.

3. Retrieve last modified documents

The list of last modified documents lets you pick up where you left off when you last logged in.

Monitoring of the company’s sales activity

Current situation

The 4 performance indicator blocks provide an overview of the company's commercial health:

  • Sales for the current financial year ("validated" invoices)

  • Receipts for the current financial year

  • Quotations awaiting invoicing

  • In progress Customers (invoices in "validated" status)

They can also be used to compare the current situation with the previous year at the same date.

Monitor activity over a personalized period

The last 3 elements of the synthesis enable you to consult the company's statistics over a personalized period:

  • The "Activity trend" graph shows the trend in sales and receipts over the period in the form of curves. You can hide a curve by clicking on one of the blocks on the right.

  • The Top customer enables you to find out which customers generate the most sales (excluding VAT) and how they are distributed. You can choose the number of customers to display (Top 5, Top 10 and Top 20). You can also hide a customer by clicking in the legend to the right of the pie chart.

  • The Top items/categories allows you to identify the categories of items or products that generated the most sales over the period. You can choose the type of items to be displayed (items or categories) and the number (Top 5, Top 10, Top 20).

Above these 3 inserts, you can choose the consultation period.

! The selected period only concerns the "Evolution of activity" graph, the top customers and the top items/categories.

In other words, the 4 blocks of performance indicators are independent and always provide an overview of the current situation. They do not change according to the selection of dates.

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