Go to your "Portfolio"
Select the “Companies” menu
Select the company. You see the summary records of this company. You will find there:
The summary sheet of the company’s information
Quick access links allowing you to send a message or create a task
The option to add the folder to your favourites. Once it’s on your favourites, you will be able to find the folder in the applications of the portal, and you will have access to the messages, tasks and activity log of the company.
You can navigate through the different menus and views:
Information on this company (identity, contact details, tax data, and the list of practitioners -partner, customer manager and case manager- in charge of folder)
Billing of the company, to manage subscriptions, special offers and invoices
Practitioners, with the list of practitioners who have access to this company
Users linked to the company and the associated rights for each users.
Modules activated for the company or waiting for activation when the customer requests a product subscription and you need to set it.
Activity of the folder, to view recent changes on this company
Updated over 5 months ago